세계 유일의 3중 커리큘럼 학교
Recently, the QS World University Rankings were published and the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) - 2 universities from Singapore - were ranked jointly as the 11th best universities in the world behind MIT, Stanford,
교육의 변화 수용
For many people, parents included, change represents a disruption. When this disruption impacts our children, those we love most in this world, the default emotion is often fear on their behalf: fear of the unknown, fear of an untested road,
A를 넘어서 : 교육에 대한 기존 아이디어와 새로운 아이디어의 균형
As parents and teachers we sometimes become overly focused on the immediately tangible: the test scores, the grades and the rankings. But it has never been more important, in the face of overwhelming research, to consider the importance and development