SIS MedanSIS Medan - Looking Forward To Going Back To School! - SIS Medan

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SIS Medan – Looking Forward To Going Back To School!

Nikita Mawarni, SIS Medan student and 2021 winner of The Voice Kids Indonesia, showed her thanks for the nurses and doctors who vaccinated our staff on campus with a surprise performance. She also shared her excitement and thoughts about the shift to hybrid on campus learning.

The Coronavirus has changed the global educational landscape. Schools across the world have shifted to online learning to ensure children continue to learn. Schools in Indonesia have been online since March 2020. With our well organised and student centred online learning program, SIS students have continued to make excellent academic progress.

As we look ahead to the next academic year, safe reopening of schools is the top priority at SIS Medan. The school has undergone several upgrades to improve ventilation in classrooms and provide alternate drop zones to ensure physical distancing and safety bubbles for class groups are maintained.

Aside from building upgrades, we believe that vaccination of our teachers, support staff and parents will significantly reduce the risk of transmission of the Covid-19 virus. SIS is working with local health authorities to facilitate vaccinations of parents. The aim is to create a safe bubble between home and school for all our students.

Vernie Malabad – Deputy Head of Secondary